VERITY/SCS Seminar Series
Weekly meeting on Wednesday (except for the 1st Wednesday of each month)
9:00AM-10:00AM ET
VERITY/SCS holds weekly seminars, which provide education and opportunities for interdisciplinary mentorship and collaboration. Investigators and trainees regularly present ongoing research, proposed grant aims and abstracts for critical review. Topics fall within the areas of lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and crystalline disease epidemiology, pharmacoepidemiology, health services research and methodology. Outside speakers present on their ongoing research studies and new methodologies of interest to the section, which also promotes future collaborations.
VERITY/SCS Journal Club
Monthly meeting on Thursday
12:30PM-1:30PM ET
The purpose of this session is to discuss study design and statistical methods of clinical/epidemiologic/translational research. This consists of rheumatology fellows (both basic and clinical science) and clinic research faculty informally discussing 1-2 articles with similar themes that are chosen by the faculty. The clinical implications are not the focus of the session but the hypotheses and results related to the analysis are also discussed. The course director is Jeffrey A. Sparks, MD, MMSc and each session is facilitated by a faculty member with expertise in the research area being presented.
VERITY/SCS Early Investigators Research Seminar
Monthly meeting on every 3rd Thursday
12:30PM-1:30PM ET
The VERITY/SCS Early Investigators Research Seminar is a monthly meeting for clinical and research fellows in rheumatology and visiting post-doctoral fellows, Children’s hospital rheumatology fellows and other “Early Investigators” in rheumatic, autoimmune and musculoskeletal diseases. These are informal group discussions led by faculty members on topics concerning both research and career development for early-stage investigators. Some topics are covered in slide presentations with question and answer periods, while others are more informal and interactive sessions.
OrACORe Journal Club
Monthly meeting on every 3rd Wednesday
12:00PM-1:00PM ET
The OrACORe Journal Club is a monthly meeting that focuses on discussing recent publications in orthopedics, rheumatology, or fields related to our ongoing projects. Organized by Elena Losina, Ph.D., and Jeffrey Katz, M.D., M.Sc.
Bi-Monthly meeting on every 2nd and 4th Monday
8:00AM-9:00AM ET
The COMET/VERITY Seminar is a bi-monthly seminar series wherein Clinical Orthopedic and Musculoskeletal Education and Training (COMET) T32 Fellows present their ongoing projects. Organized by Jeffrey Katz, M.D., M.Sc., and Elena Losina, Ph.D.
PIVOT/VERITY Cost-Effectiveness and Health Economics Working Group
Monthly meeting on every 3rd Thursday
3:00PM-4:30PM ET
The PIVOT/VERITY Cost-Effectiveness and Health Economics Working Group focuses on discussing fundamental concepts in cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA), project proposals and ongoing analyses, and applications of CEA for clinical problems in orthopedics, rheumatology, and surgery. Elena Losina, Ph.D. serves as the faculty advisor for these meetings.
VERITY offers streaming of these seminars to VERITY members.
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Upcoming Talks & Seminars
december, 2024